Irish Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers

Kelly Wamsler
Herzlich Wilkommen bei den Kells Irish Terriern. Ich bin geboren und aufgewachsen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Seit 2002 wohne ich nunmehr in Deutschland, in einer kleinen Stadt 45km außerhalb von Stuttgart.
Ich habe Irish Terrier seit 1994. Mein Ziel ist es Irish Terrier zu züchten und auszustellen,die dem Rassestandard am nächsten kommen.
Mein Hauptaugenmerk gilt der Zucht gesunder Hunde, die ein gutes,familien-freundliches Wesen haben. Zum Rassestandard >>>>>
Welcome ,to the homepage of Kells Irish Terriers. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have a degree from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, my two passions have been art and animals. Since 2002 , I now make my home in a small town about 45km outside Stuttgart, Germany called Schwäbisch Gmünd (yes.. that is a mouth full !)
I have had Irish Terrier since 1994. Over the years,I have bred multiple Best in Show Winners, Speciality Winners, American Champions, Crufts Winners and German Champions.My goal in breeding Irish Terriers is to breed and exhibit dogs closest to the breed standard in mind. With my primary goal being ,dog bred by me , are healthy and well tempered for their new owners and families.